Archive | Αύγουστος 2020

Σάντουιτς παγωτό απίθανο και γευστικό!

Ένα ελαφρύ, εύκολο και γρήγορο παγωτό με λίγα υλικά που κερδίζει τις εντυπώσεις με την γεύση του!


2 πακέτα πτι-μπερ
1 μόρφατ
1 γάλα ζαχαρούχο
1/2 εβαπορέ
1 βανίλια


Χτυπάμε το μόρφατ,το ζαχαρούχο,το εβαπορέ και τη βανίλια στο μίξερ για 5 λεπτά. Σε ένα τετράγωνο σκεύος στρώνουμε τα μπισκότα, απλώνουμε από πάνω όλη την κρέμα και στρώνουμε από πάνω και τα υπόλοιπα μπισκότα, ούτως ώστε όταν παγώσει και το κόψουμε να είναι σαν σάντουιτς.


How to create the ultimate grazing table for your socially-distanced picnic

Serve up a grazing platter as the centrepiece to your socially distanced picnic. This grazing table serves 20 but can be easily adjusted to feed six.

Old-fashioned buffets laden with uninspiring beige food have had their day. Type #grazingtables into Instagram and you’ll be dazzled by colourful, mouthwatering spreads that make the perfect alternative to a picnic if you’re entertaining at a social distance in the garden. Or celebrating a special occasion within your household or social bubble. Read the latest government guidelines here.

Grape & Fig, the UK’s first grazing table caterer, is one of the companies proving that buffets can actually be works of art, and it’s giving the humble spread a modern makeover. The company’s founder, Toria Smith, created her first grazing table for her own wedding three years ago, but has since catered for Tom Hardy, Davina McCall and Damian Lewis. She says that, while the display may look luxurious, it isn’t about ‘caviar and foie gras’ but just simple high-quality food.

All of Grape and Fig’s creations, from sharing platters to six-metre long grazing tables are created for locally sourced produce, including speciality cheeses, artisan-cured meats, quiches, antipasti and freshly baked bread. During lockdown they’ve been offering incredible DIY grazing platter kits by post to feed four or six. 

As impressive as these look, you can easily recreate a grazing table at home. ‘Grazing platters can reflect your personality and suit your budget and, because they become the main decorative feature of the table, there’s no need for a separate, expensive flower display either,’ says Smith. Genius!

This grazing table shopping list serves 20, but can easily be adjusted to feed six people, in line with the current government restrictions, and includes a perfectly delicious combination of sweet, salty and creamy flavours and textures.
